Africanscience and timing


Some traits according to Genetics are more of phenotypic while some are essentially genotypic a typical example is that of the Down’s syndrome.I observed the African drive to crave for an item of worship be it in primal forms or integrated forms into religions which they accept.These acts of superstition as acceptable by such faith are not hard to find as could be seen at doorpost – A small symbol or statue of a martyr.Although we could argue strongly along this proposition that Africans with this acts still differ from their Asian counterparts.
When I was a boy,I remember when my mother would instinctively pull a few-weeks-old baby’s ears if a green horn describes the baby as small or big.A mistery which lacks solid background.
Those childhood days when after doing wrong,we naively pull off few of the hairs of Our eyelids and hide it underneath the pillows of our parents that they might forget our wrongs more like an Asian witchcraft which sometimes seem to work or so we would acknowledge that in the exchange of information,foreign ideas,cultures,innovations that witchcraft or wizardry are acquired as finds it fascinating that inspite the level of global exposure and interaction,education,intellect and milestones we still hold some rituals to some Deities in one way or another whether we agree or not.
Maybe there is the need to examine the genome of a typical African under more sophisticated devices to observe advance traits like SUPERSTITIOUS,RITES,TABOOS,art of witchcraft and wizardry.
You would be astounded to discover that no matter how close you get,compared with other colours as your controls ,these inclinations are present in everybody either to a small extent or a large one varying along the ladder.
What I think we seem to overlook are our LEADERS in our various communities not neccessarily positional ones but DISPOSITIONAL ones.These ONES recognise themselves as shapers of the societies and hence determine whether our world be moving forward or just spining about its axles.
These ONES are largely responsible for who we are today,our variations and similiarities and lastly the bias that we uphold dearly to our heart whether we be sterotypic,fanatic,secular,religious. African Time.

the beans

I often did not in time past grasp the significance of seeing the imageries of what I read until a fortnight ago when I farted uncontrollably and intermittently obviously as a result of the BEANS I had continually ate for one week.
This can actually happen to anyone so I am no different,so I decided to know why??
Beans have been known to contain low grade proteins,however high in FIBRE,minerals like potassium, magnesium,trace elements example manganese are also present.
It is the fibre which consist mainly of complex interwoven links of stachychose and raffinose-the two main wicked sugars,the fibre could pass the small intestine undigested to the large intestine where symbiont bacteria breaks it down.
The break products are gaseous bulking up the present nitrogenous and sulphurous gases(pardon me) and wahla huge amount of odorous gases exude.!
ENOUGH !!! How do I stop farting that much!
The good news- some pharmacies sells products like PHARMZYME which aid digestion,but how do I eat it without FARTING and no drugs or related supplements.
The answer is the pre-cooking technique I implored which I could do in either two method.
The 1st method;
Imbibe in water(cold)for 5hours to allow enzymes break down the fibres the sugars sip into water.Heat up in a pot holding water for 10minutes I use electric stove(hot plate)
Rinse off the waste water with cold one and cook normally.
The 2nd method;
What the …! Short means please.
Ok, heat the beans in a pot holding water for 50-60 minutes rinse off waste water with fresh cold water,heat again with water for 10-15 minutes then rinse for the last time after which you can cook normally.
So,this is how I can now eat beans and feel good that I would fart less. Try it yourself
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